Thursday, July 26, 2007


Anyone who has seen a 7-Eleven this month knows that they are pimping the crap out of the Simpsons Movie that’s opening this month. Once FOX found out that 7-Eleven was going to bear the entire financial burden, how could they say no? This, by the way, is one of the most brilliant ad campaigns for a movie I have ever seen and I have no doubt that 7-Eleven will make all it's money back just on the Squishee sales alone. They also decided to turn a dozen of their stores throughout the country into actual Kwik-E-Marts. For some inexplicable reason Portland, Oregon (home of Simpsons creator Matt Groening) was not chosen as a place for one of the converted stores. Seattle, on the other hand, was. Naturally I couldn't pass this up, so Dave and I jumped in my car and headed for the base of the Space Needle, at the intersection of 4th and Denny.
It wasn’t just the outside that was decorated; there were some new things inside too.

Freezer Geezer

Enough Buzz Cola for everyone!

I never realized how tall Homer was

What would the Kwik-E-Mart be without a Squishee machine?

Hanging with the boys

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